New Printers + No Jams = Happy Patients
- Creating a "tick sheet" for staff to note how much paper and toner is wasted
- Figuring how often IT is called and how many patients are affected
- Getting authorization for newer and more efficient printers
What can your team do to build a business case for better equipment? What else could your team do to reduce wasted time and effort?
Checking in patients is a full-time job at a busy clinic. When the printer jams, it spells long lines and frustration. A Patient Registration team had this problem. It cost the team about $12,000 a year in jammed paper waste and patients got frustrated. So team members began documenting their wasted paper, toner, and IT time. Within a week, their purchasing department authorized new multimedia printers. The results were immediate. Patient satisfaction when up and costs went down with a savings of $3,631 in four months.
Printers are frustrating machines when they jam, and that can spill over to patients. See how tracking this problem can show the need for better printers.
potential annual savings by getting new printers and reducing waste