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What to Do When Packages Pile Up

  • Conducting a motion analysis of sorting and delivering packages
  • Purchasing more carts and hand trucks
  • Enforcing an existing agreement with suppliers to split deliveries among departments

What can your team do to engage co-workers in a conversation about safety? What else could your team do to identify the next potential injury for employees and patients?  

The Largo Medical Center in Maryland gets lots of deliveries. But it doesn’t have a loading dock. Boxes full of office and surgical supplies were crowding hallways and being left outside—even in the snow! The inventory operations unit-based team came together to make sure deliveries are kept safe and secure—and get to their intended recipients quickly and efficiently.

Coming In From the Cold
Archived content
Live, non-archived content
TTP Blurb
Packages get where they need to go quickly –instead of piling up outside in the snow
Why This Matters
Supplies and other deliveries are kept safe and secure, delivered quickly and efficiently
Test of Change
Conduct a motion analysis of sorting and delivering packages
Short Teaser

Pointers for getting the goods delivered efficiently.

Medium Teaser

A catchy video on how one team overcame lots of obstacles to make sure packages got delivered quickly and efficiently--instead of piling up outside in the snow.

Long Teaser

A catchy video on how one team overcame lots of obstacles to make sure packages got delivered quickly and efficiently--instead of piling up outside in the snow.

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Preview Image
Two men in blue shirts examing packages in a supply room
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Coming In From the Cold
Mid-Atlantic States
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Supply Chain
Content Type
Team-Tested Practice
Content Goal

Supplies and other deliveries are kept safe and secure, delivered quickly and efficiently