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Speaking the Same Language Improves Care and Understanding

  • Asking members about their race, ethnicity, and preferred language helps caregivers identify and address health risks and provide culturally competent care
  • Using a prompt card at the start to remind team members to ask patients for their demographic information
  • Holding friendly competitions to keep team members engaged

UBTs Help Physicians Combat Stress

  • Earning support from top physician leaders by showcasing solid UBT wins
  • Creating a suite of materials and training to help physicians understand unit-based teams and their unique roles and contributions to them
  • Including information about UBTs and their role in creating an efficient practice in orientation for new doctors

Empowering Patients to Choose End-of-Life Care

  • Training staff and physicians about advance directives
  • Developing a “smart set,” a standardized phrase, to track advance directives in Kaiser Permanente HealthConnect
  • Creating a process for medical assistants to verify, update and offer information about advance directives to radiation cancer patients

Promoting Online Care and Coverage for Members

  • Involving the entire team in the effort to register members on
  • Pairing up receptionists to sign up members for while checking them in for appointments
  • Hosting promotional fairs and friendly staff competitions to enroll members on

What can your team do to increase use of

Spread the Love and Build Their Loyalty

  • Creating ID system for new members, such as highly visible yellow stickers on member cards
  • Training staff and doctors about the importance of new members and how to make them feel welcome
  • Making outreach calls for the new member's first appointment

What can your team do to welcome new members to KP? 


Courtesy Calls Resonate With Ultrasound Patients

  • Reviewing upcoming ultrasound appointments to schedule reminder calls
  • Dividing call duties among different assigned staffers to ensure privacy
  • Calling a day in advance of appointments to discuss patient instructions

What can your team do to reach out to patients? And how could your team work with other teams to improve service? 


Kid Food: Don't Fight It, Serve It

  • Following the successful practice of another team that solved the same problem
  • Offering kid-friendly food like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • Creating restaurant style menus with imagery of zoo animals

What can your team do to listen to the voice of the patient? And how could your team learn from other teams that have tackled challenges similar to yours?



Going Skin-to-Skin Is Best for New Babies

  • Establishing a baseline measurement for how long moms are getting skin-to-skin contact with their new babies
  • Creating talking points of the benefits for both new baby and mother about this critical bonding
  • Communicating with staff to ensure a minimum of 60 minutes of skin-to-skin contact occurs post delivery

 What can your team do to explain the "why" behind what you are doing? 

Outreach Effort Makes New Members Feel Welcome

  • Making phone calls to help make appointments and answer questions
  • Creating a "road map" on how to navigate Kaiser Permanente and use services
  • Greeting new members when they come in and provide useful information

What can your team do to welcome new members? And what could your team do to leverage its members' unique strengths and knowledge?

Chasing Revenue? Stay On Top of Third-Party Billings

  • Showing providers how to code for accidents and workplace injuries
  • Teaching pharmacies how to ID medications related to injuries and accidents
  • Using electronic drug information system for better cross-referencing

 What can your team do create smoother workflows? And how could your team work better with other UBTs to improve performance?