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Interest-Based Conversations and Reaching Consensus (classroom, virtual)

Course description

This training is designed to teach participants effective day-to-day decision-making and problem-solving skills using interest-based language and behaviors to understand another person’s point of view and come to a resolution together.

Path to Performance

Levels 1, 2 


4 hours (classroom, virtual)

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the formal process of Consensus Decision Making (CDM) and Interest-Based Conversations.
  • Learn to apply collaborative communication skills during the CDM and Interest-based Problem Solving (IBPS) processes in everyday work.
  • Identify and use Interest-based Conversation language and behaviors in everyday conversations.
  • Understand how to move through a discussion using Interest-based Conversation methods effectively.
  • Demonstrate the ability to reach a consensus by solving problems using interest-based language techniques.

Who should attend

Anyone seeking foundational knowledge of effective communication through Interest-based Problem Solving and Consensus Decision Making. These methods are foundational for working in a Labor Partnership Management environment. 

Course requirements

Labor Management Partnership Orientation (LMPO)

Tools - Color Get the Tools

Starting from a place of interests rather than positions can feel like an unfamiliar way to solve problems. Use these tools to augment the training and become proficient in this process. 


Enrollment information

In-person or virtual
For in-person classroom or virtual training, contact your regional training leaders for more information.