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Dialysis UBT Decreases Costs by Increasing Education

  • Providing more information on the dialysis process
  • Scheduling surgery for fistulas sooner
  • Minimizing the time patients use catheters for dialysis

What can your team do to reduce infections? And are there ways educating patients can improve the care experience? 


Pharmacy Team Turns Inventory Blemish Into Success

  • Partnering with Pharmacy Analytics to identify and remove outdated drugs from the shelf
  • Engaging team members to “own” a section of the pharmacy and monitor expired or slow-moving medications

What can your team do to better manage your inventory? What else could you do to save money and keep KP affordable for members and patients?


Better Coordination Spells R-e-l-i-e-f for Telemetry Team
  • Reviewing the department budget and using performance improvement tools to determine the causes of overtime
  • Revamping the department workflow and coordinating with each other to schedule a relief RN to cover those on break
  • Educating and reminding staff about the importance of clocking in and out on time
  • Encouraging nurses to notify their managers two hours before the end of shift if they expect to work overtime.
Laureen Lazarovici Tue, 10/03/2017 - 17:27

Team Educates Patients and Saves $1 Million

  • Team members learning about their own benefits and researching which Emergency Departments Kaiser Permanente prefers to have members use
  • Analyzing claims data for patients with the highest number of Emergency Department visits
  • Educating patients about Emergency Department use

What can your team do to improve its own business literacy? And help patients make better decisions about their care? 


Goldilocks and Costco Inspire Big Pharmacy Savings

  • Reviewing ordering and inventory practices
  • Working with pharmacists to better manage the ordering of specialty drugs
  • Increasing bulk purchasing

What can your team do to manage your inventory better? What else could your team do to save money? 


Rehab Gym Shows UBT’s Teamwork in Action

  • Involving all team members in the UBT, not just a representative group
  • Asking for (and getting!) feedback from all team members 
  • Communicating more

What can your team do to mobilize everyone? What else could your team do to listen to all members? 


Oversight Reduces Document Scanning Errors

  • Hosting in-service to discuss how to properly set up a scanning procedure
  • Monitoring the process to ensure the scanning was done properly
  • Sharing feedback about the process so every team member can learn from any mistake

What can your team do to work with other UBTs so you can both improve? What additional training could your team benefit from?


Provide Good Care, Save With Secondary Tubing

  • Looking for less expensive options, like switching from primary tubing to secondary tubing
  • Using secondary instead of primary tubing for IV patients, whenever it is medically safe
  • Working through the change so everyone on the team understands and adapts

What can your team do to make sure it's using the right supplies for the job? What else could your team do to keep KP affordable for patients and members?


Spread the Love and Build Their Loyalty

  • Creating ID system for new members, such as highly visible yellow stickers on member cards
  • Training staff and doctors about the importance of new members and how to make them feel welcome
  • Making outreach calls for the new member's first appointment

What can your team do to welcome new members to KP? 


Reduce Stock of On-Hand Meds and Save

  • Assessing on-hand pharmaceutical supplies for need
  • Working with providers to reduce cost and amount of needed drugs
  • Reducing number of on-hand meds

What can your team do to order and use supplies wisely? What else could your team do to help keep KP affordable for members and patients?