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Lab Teams Collaborate to Ease Workload, Speed Tests

  • Studying what other labs were doing and researching the latest technology
  • Collaborating on the purchase of new equipment and gaining support to fast-track the installation
  • Cross-training staff on use of new equipment and departmental processes

What can your team do to be more collaborative with departments you frequently work with? What else could your team do to cross-train staff?


Got Backlogs? Expand the Night Shift!

  • Acknowledging and addressing resistance to change as the team experimented with changes
  • Setting a clear goal of wanting to reduce excessive overtime 
  • Deploying more workers to the night shift

What can your team do to improve workflow and enhance the experience of our members and patients? What else could your team do to make KP the best place to work and receive care?


What to Do When Packages Pile Up

  • Conducting a motion analysis of sorting and delivering packages
  • Purchasing more carts and hand trucks
  • Enforcing an existing agreement with suppliers to split deliveries among departments

What can your team do to engage co-workers in a conversation about safety? What else could your team do to identify the next potential injury for employees and patients?