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Oversight Reduces Document Scanning Errors

  • Hosting in-service to discuss how to properly set up a scanning procedure
  • Monitoring the process to ensure the scanning was done properly
  • Sharing feedback about the process so every team member can learn from any mistake

What can your team do to work with other UBTs so you can both improve? What additional training could your team benefit from?


Provide Good Care, Save With Secondary Tubing

  • Looking for less expensive options, like switching from primary tubing to secondary tubing
  • Using secondary instead of primary tubing for IV patients, whenever it is medically safe
  • Working through the change so everyone on the team understands and adapts

What can your team do to make sure it's using the right supplies for the job? What else could your team do to keep KP affordable for patients and members?


Spread the Love and Build Their Loyalty

  • Creating ID system for new members, such as highly visible yellow stickers on member cards
  • Training staff and doctors about the importance of new members and how to make them feel welcome
  • Making outreach calls for the new member's first appointment

What can your team do to welcome new members to KP? 


Reduce Stock of On-Hand Meds and Save

  • Assessing on-hand pharmaceutical supplies for need
  • Working with providers to reduce cost and amount of needed drugs
  • Reducing number of on-hand meds

What can your team do to order and use supplies wisely? What else could your team do to help keep KP affordable for members and patients?


Stretch Your Team to Workplace Safety

  • Developing stretching routines that target large muscle groups and various joint areas
  • Adding stretch routines that help lifting, pulling, pushing and twisting to daily 7 a.m. huddles
  • Discussing workplace safety at every morning huddle and encouraging full participation

What can your team do to prevent injuries? 


Courtesy Calls Resonate With Ultrasound Patients
  • Reviewing upcoming ultrasound appointments to schedule reminder calls
  • Dividing call duties among different assigned staffers to ensure privacy
  • Calling a day in advance of appointments to discuss patient instructions

What can your team do to reach out to patients? And how could your team work with other teams to improve service? 


scarrpm Thu, 12/29/2016 - 14:26

Lending a Hand to Financial Assistance Forms

  • Standardizing note-taking styles across the team
  • Assigning a financial counselor to each in-need patient
  • Working with Admitting Department to identify patients who need assistance and provide counseling

What can your team do to reduce unneeded variation? And what can your team do to work with other teams to improve service? 

Calling All Hands for Sign-Up Drives

  • Involving the entire team in the promotion to sign up members to
  • Posting signs at every location to encourage registration, and speaking with patients during appointments
  • Speaking directly with members to tout the benefits of

What can your team do to encourage patients and members to sign up on


Kid Food: Don't Fight It, Serve It

  • Following the successful practice of another team that solved the same problem
  • Offering kid-friendly food like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • Creating restaurant style menus with imagery of zoo animals

What can your team do to listen to the voice of the patient? And how could your team learn from other teams that have tackled challenges similar to yours?



Fully Stocked and No Waste for Less Money

  • Creating computer spreadsheet to track inventory and order supplies
  • Labeling shelves and supplies more clearly to reduce clutter
  • Eliminating hoarding and rarely used supplies, and consolidating orders

What can your team do to harness the power of technology? What else could your team do to centralize information that is scattered?