At-home tests can save lives through early detection but patients need to comply. An internal medicine unit in Union City, California, had low return rates for their Fecal-Immunochemical test (FIT) kits. Their solution was to reach out to patients by phone, email, and by using bright fluorescent notes in the FIT kits that read: “This test detects early signs of COLON CANCER.” The outreach volume was high but it worked as the success rate of return on colorectal screenings jumped from 12.6 percent to 59.4 percent in 6 months.
The internal medicine unit emphasized the value of taking the colorectal screening test, and identified at-risk patients whenever they come into the office.
Why This Matters
Ensuring the patients take the test and return it is critical to early screening.
Test of Change
Labeling the test as life-saving can increase patient compliance
Short Teaser
Help explain the value of early detection.
Medium Teaser
Quality care won’t do a lot of good if the patient doesn’t know—and they might need some prodding. Get the word out, especially for tests like colorectal screenings.
Long Teaser
Quality care won’t do a lot of good if the patient doesn’t know—and they might need some prodding. Get the word out, especially for tests like colorectal screenings.