Corralling Cancer With Coughs and Sneezes—Allergy Team Helps Screen for Cancer
Making a joint commitment that when there is a KP HealthConnect® notification that a patient is due for a health screening, team members follow up by offering to schedule the patient for the screening or asking the necessary questions to fill in missing information in the patient’s medical record
Creating a script to help staff members talk to patients about updating their health needs and posting laminated cards on computers to serve as reminders
Reporting the weekly screening numbers to staff members so they can track their progress and recognize where they missed opp
Effective Smoke Screens—Coaching Smokers on How to Quit
Printing out registration slips with questions regarding smoking, so smokers can identify themselves up front
Attaching the registration slips to clipboards, so when patients hand the materials to the genetics counselors, the counselors can provide smoking cessation information
What can your team do to help members know what type of programs are available to them?
Intended audience: Frontline employees, managers and physicians
Best used: This poster highlights unit assistants who worked to reduce costly and stressful patient readmissions by increasing the percentage of follow-up appointments within seven days of discharge. Post on bulletin boards, in break rooms and other staff areas.
This poster, which appears in the November/December 2014 Bulletin Board Packet, highlights unit assistants who worked to reduce costly and stressful patient readmissions, by increasing the percentage of follow-up appointments within seven days of discharge.