No one should have to live in the world of the bland, even those forced to be on restrictive or low-sodium diets. The food services team in Roseville recognized this and looked to make tastier meals. While they couldn’t alter the actual meals, since those were made and packaged offsite, they included packets of the no-sodium Mrs. Dash seasoning mix. That was a hit. The team also wrote scripts for their personnel to help explain the seasoning packets, and to help patients understand their meal options.
Food services included Mrs. Dash seasoning packets with meals, wrote scripts to explain the idea, and informed patients about diet options.
Why This Matters
Providing patients with healthy and tasty food helps them heal
Test of Change
A little packet of Mrs. Dash can go a long way to making low-sodium palatable
Short Teaser
See how to give them a reason to eat.
Medium Teaser
Diet restrictions are a reality for many hospital patients, but it shouldn’t be torture. Explore their meal options and think about including a seasoning packet like Mrs. Dash.
Long Teaser
Diet restrictions are a reality for many hospital patients, but it shouldn’t be torture. Explore their meal options and think about including a seasoning packet like Mrs. Dash.