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8.5” x 11” (landscape)

Intended audience:
UBT consultants, public affairs staff, regional and facility-level LMP staff, and others involved in planning a UBT fair

Best used:
Rely on this six-month timeline to keep the planning committee for a UBT fair on track, with each category of tasks arrayed on overlapping bars. Print out and use this timeline when you begin planning your UBT fair and throughout your preparations to keep you on track for a successful event. Save it on your computer for access to the links to all the items in the “UBT fair in a box” toolkit on the LMP website. Use with the companion planning guide, which details individual tasks.

For more tools, please visit the How-To Guide: UBT Fair in a Box.


Related tools:


Excel spreadsheet

8.5" x 11" 

Intended audience:
UBT co-leads and sponsors

Best used:
This tool, developed by the Northwest region, can be adapted by other Kaiser Permanente regions to help team leaders and sponsors track team progress and tactics. Use it to report regular updates on team progress toward regional business goals.


Related tools:



8.5" x 11"

Intended audience:
UBT teams and co-leads

Best used:
SBAR (pronounced S-BAR) is a structured communication technique that provides important information concisely. Use this tool in the following situations: You want an action to be considered or taken; there is key information to share with another individual, such as during change of shift; or you want to escalate a concern.


Related tools: